Wednesday 25 May 2011

Design Influence

During our initial meetings we eventually came to descision on what rooms from the story The Metamorphosis by Kafka we were going to create. We decided that as the story primarily takes place in the character Gregor's Bedroom and the Family dining/Living room we would create these two rooms. This of course created the problem of what design elements would be used. After much consternation we came to descision that everyone was relatively happy with in Gregor's room. Fellow Group Member John Arch and myself were both very interested in creating a rough dilapidated look for Gregor's room to mirror his descent into becoming an insect. We thought an effective way to show this character's development was to make the room seem to be in the process of changing and becoming base and less than it once was.

The first places we looked were at relatively normal places that had been exposed to the elements, damp, decay or disaster.

This is an image taken from an abandoned asylum and is one of the starting points of our general design ideas.
Of particular note is the cluttered floor and the peeling, flaking and ripped wallpaper. These are all elements we wish to use in our designs.

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