Thursday 26 May 2011


For my floorboards I want an old well worn look and as such have been looking at pictures showing old floorboards. Whilst not the most interesting of subjects it is nessesary so here are images I will be using as reference shots.

The colours in the above picture are god and it shows a good level of wear, however useful as this is I feel that to get a more opressive 'elephant in the room' look I will need to make the floorboards darker and less defined. Of note in this picture however is the varying sizes of floorboards. This gives an old hand made look to them which seems suggestive of an era before machine standardization.

Of particular not in this picture is the wear to the floorboards has caused the surface treatment to expose the untreated wood underneath, this highlights areas of lighter wood. This is something to note when  creating a worn look.

This picture shows darker elements within the grain. This is of interest as it breaks up the surface texture giving it a three dimensional look. Acheiving this look in my final illsionary painting will help to fool the eye into seeing the floor as genuine floorboards.

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